Give away useful old things and furniture

There are just too much useful things and furniture thrown away. You can do so much with it and people who have little, make a great pleasure.

I bought a new washing machine because I wanted one with a bigger one with a porthole to wash my beds and bigger things easily. Of course, I also wanted to save energy at the same time.

My old machine had not been so heavily used and was still running smoothly.

I listened, if anyone wanted to pick up the machine for free, and even made a stop in the supermarket, but no one answered.

Now I called us in the social shop and we immediately made an appointment to pick up the machine, they came to the appointed date and picked up the machine, even thanked for my donation, gave me a receipt.

I was very satisfied and happy because in the end I would have had to transport the machine outside myself so that it could be picked up for scrapping.

If the new provider had taken them, I would still have incurred costs, because in vain no one is doing any more today.

If I go through my neighborhood here, I see many useful things that are just put on the street and I'm sad about it.

I've already called the local newspaper, so they're more likely to point out these ways of dropping things or if they're too big to pick them up.

There are also social shops (vending shops), which pick up clothes, dishes and small appliances from the people. I claimed such a store when my mother had to go home.

It was too stressful for me at the time, I do not have a car and I did not have time. They picked up everything and even on Saturday!

Maybe one or the other thinks about such a way of giving away.

You also protect the environment, I personally think that's very good, and I feel much better.

Repurposeful Decorating: Making New Things Out of Old Furniture & Accessories | May 2024