Good food at the campfire

Goodness, how I love that: A campfire under the stars. Give me a handful of dear people and a guitar and I'll be sitting by the fire for the next ten years. Every festive occasion, every party and all the cool clubs in the world can be stolen from me. The fact that I appreciate these rustic pleasures does not mean that you do not have to go without the amenities. And for me that's first and foremost a good meal.

Of course I could prepare everything at home, pack in tupper cans and take with me. But that would be a shameful disregard for the best outdoor oven? the world: the open fire. But before I tell you my favorite campfire recipes, some tips for proper and above all safe fire making.

Make a fire - Safety first!

  • Actually, of course: Under no circumstances make fire in the forest and keep at least 100 meters distance to forest areas. Where fire may be made is regulated differently in the individual federal states. If you want to play it safe, ask in advance at the community. There you also learn the current forest fire.
  • The best surface for a fire are sand and gravel areas or the bare soil.
  • Sparks can fly far. Therefore, do not make a fire near flammable things (dry meadow, thatched roof, bales of straw, woodpile, etc.).
  • If possible, seek a sheltered place for the fire.
  • A circle of stones prevents the uncontrolled spreading of the fire and can serve well as a support for example a grill grate. Attention: Under no circumstances use wet stones, there is a risk of explosion. The safest are fireproof bricks. If in doubt, dig out a shallow pit instead of the stone ring.
  • Never use liquid fuels as a kindling. To light the fire, dry grasses, lichens, thin branches or cones are suitable. If you do not want to collect, you can rely on solid grill or fireplace lighter. Also, the packaging box of the six-pack is well suited. Scout tip: Birch bark burns even in wet condition with great heat.
  • Never leave the fire unattended and have a bucket of water, sand or a fire blanket ready.
  • After extinguishing the fire by poking around with a stick, check that there are no more debris left in the hearth.


Stock bread and rustic pizza Calzone

Stockbrot is a true campfire classic. The dough is easy to prepare and also makes children? Baking? a lot of fun. For the basic version knead a yeast dough from 500 g of flour, a cube of yeast (alternatively a packet of dry yeast), about 250 ml of milk or water, 100 ml of oil (or 100 g of butter), a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of sugar. For the sweet Leckermäulchen take butter instead of oil and are still an egg and a bag of vanilla sugar to the dough. The whole thing gets more spicy when you mix cut olives, herbs or ham or cheese cubes.

The preparation is simple: A handful of dough is kneaded around the end of a straight, sharpened stick. Do not pierce the dough piece? in the opening later a filling can be given. The stick with the dough is then simply held over the flames or the embers of the campfire until the dough is firm. After removing the stick bread (careful, hot!), It can be filled at will: jam or Nutella for the sweet variant, cream cheese or a dip for the spicy version.

If you like it more refined, you should put a grill over the fire and then bake the cowboy variant of a Pizza Calzone. From the same dough, each one forms a thick, round piece and topped with chopped vegetables, cheese, ham or something similar. Fold, close and put it on the grill.

Now it's stuffy

In the well-equipped campfire kitchen should not be missing a few metal skewers with insulated handle? thin wooden sticks burn too fast. On the skewers meat and vegetable bits can be skewered like a shish kebab. Even a skewered and coated with fat corncob gets over the open fire a really pungent taste. If you pull the fire apart, you can create a glowing ember without open flames. This protects against black spots on the food.

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The campfire cooking pot: aluminum foil

I know, aluminum foil does not have the best reputation, but is ideal for cooking in the fire. Everyone has to decide for themselves whether they want to use the film or not. Just like on a grill, almost everything (wrapped in aluminum foil) can be cooked in the glow of the fire: fish, meat, vegetables or potatoes. Extra tip: The potatoes can be pre-cooked at home, otherwise they take a long time.

Dessert with a difference

Again, there is a classic: marshmallows.This so-called foam sugar product develops on the spit over the fire grilled a very own taste. The consistency is crunchy on the outside and frothy on the inside, almost like zabaglione. Very cute. Delicious!

Bananas already bring their own cooking vessel in the form of their shell. Simply put in the embers, slit and spoon. For Schoki fans: Carve the banana peel and press a few pieces of chocolate into the pulp. Then place with the incised side up briefly in the embers. Spoon and then rich and satisfied fall backwards into the grass. Fantastic!

Of course you can fire the recipe selection with your own suggestions in the comments ?. Have lots of fun with it.

23 Best Camping Recipes - Basic & Gourmet Meals - Campfire Meals | June 2024