Grill vegetables

Do not feel like cooking? Do not feel like meat? No desire for side dishes? But the Yeeper on fresh, aromatic vegetables? The weather is not playing? Then still ran to the ... no vegetables.

I assume that you own a roasting pan. It does not take much more. But. The oven with grill function.

What did I take for a single person? Not much.

  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 inlay cucumber
  • 1 onion

That's it. That's it? No, not quite.

  • A few teaspoons of onliven oil
  • A bit of salt
  • Some pepper

Everything pure. Then nothing. Variations are welcome, whether with zuccchini, cauliflower, finely chopped other cabbage, oh, make your vegetables as you want. Even with the spices you can vary. Quite to taste.

And here we go:

Wash your vegetables. Cut it into bite-sized pieces, so not so small. The eye is eating. And the eye has more taste than your tongue (mine, too, by the way ...).

Put the vegetables in your lightly greased roasting pan. Sprinkle some olive oil over it. Now salt and pepper over it. That's it.

Now comes the vegetables in the oven. 200 degrees, grill function. 30 minutes. When onions, peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers turn brown on the edge, the vegetables are cooked.

There is no need for meat, no potatoes (if they are not already in the roaster), no noodles.

Pure vegetables ... and so tasty that you like to eat a second serving of it.

Of course you can also make this vegetable as a side dish, but that's not necessary. You can also garnish with herbs, or grill with other oil. I expect your imaginative suggestions.

Let yourself taste it!

The Best Grilled Vegetables EVER! | SAM THE COOKING GUY 4K | May 2024