Homemade chili paste

For those who like it hot ... homemade chili paste.


  • green chilies cut into pieces
  • peeled garlic cloves cut into pieces
  • salt
  • olive oil


Now you throw everyone in the blender and puree the whole with olive oil. Take so much oil that just a nice paste is created. The ratio chilli / garlic / salt makes you quite to taste.

Stuffed in a glass, the chili paste keeps in the fridge for a few weeks. But you can also freeze them, either as "piles" (like Dobby doing with ginger / garlic) or in the ice cube tray.

Another tip: Chilis, whether green or red, I have always frozen completely. For cooking, I take it from the freezer and cut it directly into the saucepan with scissors. So I never have "chili" on my fingers.

Dried RED CHILLI Paste | Chili Paste - Essential Basic Recipe | May 2024