Hot chili honey - goes well with Asian dishes

Chili honey or Habanero honey is a spicy delicacy that gives the Asian dishes a special kick, but is also great for marinating, tastes very good with grilled and also with raclette.


  1. You need fresh chili peppers and / or yellow, green or red habanero peppers (the color is related to maturity / sharpness).
  2. The pods are cut into fine rings or pieces. It is advisable to wear gloves!
  3. Put in a jar and fill with honey so that the pods are covered.

The Hong? Crawls? over time and it is advisable not to fill the glass too full.

The longer the mixture draws, the milder it becomes, although one can never speak of mild:

The honey is "defused" from week to week and changed, as the photo shows, the color. The durability is about 1 year.

I like to use a teaspoon of honey as an interesting pepper substitute for Asian dishes, for salad dressings and brush raw meat for marinating very sparingly with it.

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