Immersion heater as a lime killer

Today a very unusual tip from me. After a colleague (chemist) explained to me how the temperature affects chemical processes, I abused the science shamefully for toilet cleaning.

As: Take an immersion heater (extra purchased for this: 1000 watts - costs 15 euros). With this I heated the water in the toilet knee until it boils. Takes about 10 minutes. The advantage over "pouring hot water into the toilet": even the wall of the toilet is hot, which is not the case with water refuse bins. And it's just because the lime is on it.

After that; Plug out, immersion heaters out - 2 Klo-Reinigertabs purely. Aldi - Lidl, it does not matter. Bubbles like mad and cleans like the devil. The hot broth I let then act for 1-2 hours, with heavy soiling you can also work overnight. Rinse the toilet thoroughly with the brush again before rinsing to dissolve the last traces of limestone.

Physical background of my tip; Heat accelerates the chemical reactions. Doubling the temperature, approximately quadruples the cleaning effect. So you can with a 100 ° C hot water, the toilet about 20 times more intensive cleaning. Rule of thumb.

Just try it yourself! But do not take the immersion heater to make tea afterwards - that would not be so delicious ...; )

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