Important documents - the "I-folder"

Professionally, the filing is tip-top? but home remember your own documents more on cabbage and turnips and important things you can not find?

What everyone should have is the so-called "I-folder". This is a folder where you keep everything that is important. This includes documents that you would need to rescue first in the event of an emergency, or what would be indispensable for relatives in an emergency:

Here some examples

  • Birth certificates, marriage certificates etc.
  • Important vocational or school certificates
  • Testament,
  • Living Will
  • insurance policies
  • title deeds
  • Car-letter
  • ID cards, e.g. the passport, the vaccination certificate, social security card
  • Tax documents and pension statements

Documents that are kept elsewhere, eg. B. Identity card or driver's license can be attached in copy.

You see, basically everything you need in a real emergency, eg. could catch a fire with a grip and what could save you a lot of racing afterwards.

Even if nothing happens, it is a good feeling to have an overview of your most important documents!

Personally, I stuck a quilted envelope in front, in which I keep a stick with the most beautiful photos or my negatives still negative, on which they are small. Very important to me and a dear memory that I never want to lose.

Document Organization - Organize Your Important Papers | June 2024