It gets colorful: kale with red lentils and purple potatoes


Preparation time: 20 min.
Cooking or baking time: 1 hour 5 min.
Total preparation time: 1 hr. 25 min.

If you want to do it colorful, I have the right light recipe here, which initially sounds unusual, but quite by the color and the taste convinced: kale with red lentils, purple potatoes and coconut milk.

Kale time is one-pot time! Kale is known as a hearty stew, cooked in lard and with sausage or smoked smoked pork and cooked to a home cooking. Nothing speaks against it, but it works differently too:

For example, here comes a completely different and light version, which is not only something for the eye, but also tastes excellent.


  • 1 bag of fresh kale (usually 700 g)
  • 3 onions
  • 1 net of purple potatoes (450 g)
  • 3 thick potatoes
  • 1 pack of coconut milk
  • 150 g of red lentils
  • 1 chilli pepper (optional)
  • 500 ml of vegetable stock
  • coconut oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • sugar


  1. Wash kale very carefully, drain and chop.
  2. Peel both types of potatoes and cut into small cubes (the violet color is easy to remove from the fingers, gloves, as in red beet are not necessary).
  3. Also dice the onions.
  4. Remove the seeds with a sharp knife from the chili pepper and cut the pod into fine rings.
  5. Heat coconut oil in a large pot (also a large wok is ideal), sauté onions and chili rings for about 5 minutes.
  6. Add the kale, sprinkle with salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar and simmer for another 10 minutes while stirring.
  7. Add the vegetable broth, coconut milk and potatoes and simmer for about 50 minutes on a medium heat
  8. In the meantime, cook the red lentils in boiling water for 10 minutes (not too long, they should still have bite), season with salt.
  9. Put the lentils in a sieve and drain well.
  10. When the cooking time is over, fold in the lenses.

I can say: The court surprised me. It tastes very interesting, full and has relatively few calories.

Of course you can also chicken breast cubes, turkey breast as well as naturally Kassler serve to it.

Purple / purple potatoes taste slightly nutty, reminiscent of sweet chestnuts and are firm. Since they retain their color even after cooking, they look very interesting in the salad, but can also be processed into chips and as a spread.

Sautéed Kale and Spinach with Roasted Cherry Tomatoes and Sweet Potatoes | June 2024