Keep ginger / vegetables fresh

If you like ginger in the house, but do not take it daily, you should try the following:
You fill sand (normal, light sand or bird sand from the pet shop) in a flowerpot or similar. and buries the tubers deep inside. They must be covered properly. They keep fresh without germinating or bumbling. The sand keeps the ginger dark and cool.

I even keep my ginger in the living room in a shallow bowl of fine sand. Then I decorated empty snail shells, it looks like a little Zen garden.

Carrots, celery and the like keeps superlange fresh in Tupper containers, which call themselves "Prima Klima". It's a little expensive, but it's worth it, because you never have to throw anything away because it's rotten. Let's explain that to a tuppertante.

Ginger Preserve | 2 Easy Steps to keep ginger good for long time | Keep Ginger fresh for long | June 2024