Lower high blood pressure with home remedies

A short preliminary remark

Today, the hypertonist returns from duty with his last post on hypertension. Actually, the last text should lower hypertension without medication? yes be the conclusion of my blood pressure trilogy, but then the home remedies would have remained unmentioned. Therefore, the tri becomes a tetralogy, and then it's over. Already here at TheFruitAndFlowerBasket some tips from the category of herbs, spices and healing potions for high blood pressure are circulating. Some of the following remedies may be familiar to you, but you may also discover something new.

One thing is clear: A much too high blood pressure can not be brought into the normal range, ie lower than 140 to 90 mmHg with these rather gentle methods. High blood pressure should ALWAYS be assessed by a doctor and, if necessary, treated with medication. However, there is absolutely nothing against supporting conventional medicine with traditional home remedies. If it helps: Very nice. If it does not help, it can usually at least do no harm.

The classics?

? have already been described in the last part. It is also less about home remedies than a change in lifestyle. So here's just a nutshell summary:

  • enough exercise
  • little salt
  • little alcohol
  • Avoid or reduce overweight
  • stress reduction

Herbal mixtures

If you do not have your own herb garden or if you can not or do not want to collect the herbs yourself in the countryside, you can have the herbal mixtures produced in the pharmacy. As a general rule: The described tea blends should not be drunk for longer than six weeks at a time. Then either take a break or change the mix.

Blood pressure tea with mistletoe

The mixture:

  • 4 parts of mistletoe
  • 2 parts of hawthorn flowers
  • 2 parts horsetail herb

The preparation:

A heaping teaspoon of the mixture is doused with a quarter liter of boiling water. Cover for 7 to 8 minutes and then strain. Drink a cup of tea each morning and evening.

Blood pressure tea with valerian

The mixture:

  • 5 parts valerian root
  • 5 parts of mistletoe
  • 3 parts of hawthorn flowers,
  • 2 parts lemon balm leaves

The preparation and consumption recommendation corresponds to that of the herbal tea above.

GABA tea

It is a so-called Funktionstee developed in Japan, which is also marketed under the trade name Gabaron. Through a special manufacturing process, a high proportion of the amino acid GABA is achieved in green Japanese tea. Allegedly, the content of GABA is 50-fold compared to untreated tea. In addition to other health-promoting properties, GABA is supposed to be particularly effective against high blood pressure, as well as relieve tension and relieve stress. Personally, I have no experience with this tea, but I found in the research for this text on several serious-looking sources that confirm its hypotensive effect. GABA tea is very expensive with about 20 euros for 80 grams. If any of you have ever tasted this tea, please let us participate in the comments made with the experience. Buy now GABA Tea BIO, Black Gabaron (Gabalon Tea), 50g, in resealable bag GABA Tea BIO, Black Gabaron (Gabalon Tea), 50g, in resealable bag 12,90 ?

A mediterranean antihypertensive

From the folk medicine of the Mediterranean, this remedy for hypertension comes from:

Add two heaped teaspoons of dried and chopped olive leaves (pharmacy) to a quarter liter of boiling water and leave to cover covered for 10 minutes. Strain and stir in the juice of three squeezed garlic cloves (brushing pressed garlic through a fine sieve) and a teaspoon of honey.

Black Seed Oil

The hypotensive effect of black cumin oil is based on its ability to improve the elasticity of the arterial walls. In pharmacies, health food stores and drugstores, supplements containing black cumin oil in liquid form or as capsules are available.

Kneipp applications

The waterworms named after the Bavarian priest and hydrotherapist Sebastian Kneipp should be helpful with slightly elevated blood pressure.

The rising bracelet

The forearms are bathed in a washbasin filled with 35 ° C warm water. Leave the hot water tap slightly open until the temperature has risen to 39 ° C (about 10 to 15 minutes). The excess water can drain through the overflow. And yes, water is consumed, but in this context, to speak of waste, I consider inappropriate.

cold showers

The alternating shower starts with warm water between 36 ° C and 39 ° C. Then overcome the inner bastard and lower the temperature to 10 ° C to 16 ° C. It is essential to start heartfelt: From the right outer foot up to the hips, then change to the inside of the thigh and back down to the foot. Repeat the same on the left side.Then from the right hand back up to the shoulder, change to the armpit and inside down on the arm to the palm of the hand. Repeat on left arm. The whole procedure should be done twice: hot / cold, warm / cold. From my own experience I can confirm that loud singing helps! After changing shower, make sure to warm up quickly (massage towel).


Except for the GABA tea described above, I have tried all these home remedies and I'm stuck with the herbal teas and the change showers ?. Since my much too high blood pressure but must be treated with medication, I can not give any information about the effects achieved in specific numbers. But: The herbal teas taste delicious and the showers make me wake up in the morning. And that's something, right?

Everyday ways to lower your blood pressure | June 2024