Make home-soda concentrate yourself


Preparation time: 20 min.

This summer, even if he is often to be hoped for, there are in many beer gardens a so-called homemade limo homemade. Tasty with lemons, ice and mint or basil. I came up with a simple recipe for making this concentrate or syrup myself. Also arrived wonderfully as a gift. I used the following:


  • 4 organic oranges
  • 4 organic lemons
  • 4 limes
  • 250 g cane sugar

For this you need a zest cutter for citrus fruits, which is usually available for kitchen accessories or cocktail accessories to buy.


  1. I first liberated the lemons and limonene from their top skin with the zest cutter. That's why I chose the organic fruits. These zests were part of the recipe.
  2. Then all the fruits squeezed out again.
  3. Bring the squeezed juice, zest and cane sugar to a boil while stirring in a saucepan and simmer for another two to three minutes.
  4. Then I let the whole thing through for about 15 minutes and once sieved.
  5. The finished amount was about 800ml, depends on the amount of fruit juice.
  6. Bottled, finished.

So far stored in the refrigerator without problems more than three weeks. But it does not stand that long, of course, but ends up in the glass.

About 20-30 ml, depending on taste, is enough for a glass. Enjoy with mineral water, ice and lemons / lime slices as well as mint, basil or lemon shrub.
Also delicious as a hot drink with honey, autumn is coming soon. ?

How to Make Homemade Soda + 5 Easy Caffeine-Free Homemade Soda Recipes | A Sweet Pea Chef | June 2024