Medicines in dogs

I read through the tips, and what I found there, was written quite nice. Has anyone ever given a liverwurst to a dog smelled the fumes? You run away.

Once had a dog from the shelter with water in the lungs. Nobody told me the truth, what about the animal. Have you ever heard a dog cough? Horrible! The worst part of the night was when he wanted to calm down. A veterinarian finally got on the right track.

Ergo: He had to take medication until his death.

My tricks: Put the tablet in a piece of butter! Your dog will love you. Or try Frolic. Simply pin the tablet into the hole and let it catch. Maybe start with a piece without a tablet first.

Very important: The dog must not see that you are packing something in there. After all, he is not stupid.

With the butter, it might work in cats too. It neutralizes the smell of the medication.

How To Learn Giving Dog Medications | June 2024