Micro USB wobbly

Quickly bend the wobbly micro USB socket.

ATTENTION: The device warranty expires if you do so. The only question is, what other option remains? Nothing can be achieved with the device warranty, because this problem is treated as "improper handling". Only the repair remains with the expert, but that will not be cheap, and will have to be repeated at some point.

I've been annoyed with these stupid cables so often. Apparently, charlatans are at work, trying to rack their brains as much as possible to make a connection cable that is used in everyday life and there even the famous "planned obsolescence" (artificial or planned obsolescence) fall. Probably the question is based on: "How do we design a product so that it breaks as soon as possible, but not so fast that the buyers go to the barricades?"

The Micro USB standard seems to be such a perfidious spawn anyway. By normal use as far as mechanically stressed that the devices could only be recharged after several minutes of trial and error and positioning and positioning. In order to prove to myself that I am not a gross motorist, I have virtually adjusted the connection in the device with a simple operation. After that, I knew that if I could fix it, I would not be able to use a motor to use it, otherwise I would not have been able to fix it; q. e. d.

That is how it goes:

  1. First, do not worry! In this case, it has been an Asus Nexus 7. It has to be opened. But how? Well, since we are not alone, you can look at the opening of all devices on youtube, or read in forums, if you search in Google for "device model xy open housing".
  2. Did you open the case (please switch off and disconnect from the power supply), you can see the jack in front of him.
  3. Now you put a suitable piece of metal that should be at least 10 cm long, not too wide, maybe 5-7 mm, for example, a flat iron or discarded cutlery knife.
  4. Please do not knock directly on the socket. If you miss it, the device is most likely scrap. Knocks on the extension of the metal so that you can not hit the device. If the extension has slipped after a strike, execute it again exactly.
  5. Now please put on the socket and tap with a suitable object. In my case that was a plastic hammer, so please no iron hammer, maybe a hammers hammers. If you make too hard knocks, the solder connections will definitely be damaged and the device will go first. I'd better tap with my plastic hammer 10 times, aim better, less risk.
  6. When the socket is flatter again, the device is closed again, i. the lid on it and good.
  7. Due to the fact that the connectors are more compact than the sockets, they inevitably run out of time. If you have tapped the connection too flat, but that means, conversely, that you can lever the plug into the socket. So tight the plug has never plugged into the socket.
  8. Another variant is to bend the retaining pin in the socket with a pin upwards. You do not actually need to open the device, but if the needle breaks, it gets complicated. Also, be careful here. The disadvantage is that the socket then actually remains worn out.

A bit of fine mechanics skills are part of it, and there may be someone in your circle of friends who likes to do that if it's too hot for you.

I wish a good success.

Loose USB Cable Fix | June 2024