Protect bandage on cat's paw from shaking off

Unfortunately, one or the other pet owner is not spared having to bandage a leg of the beloved animal for a variety of reasons.

At least once a year, my cat, Micki, a fugitive, is hurting his paw. Recently, it was time again to have a large inflamed wound (bite) treated by a veterinarian after a cat fight.

From experience, I know that no amount of fancy dressing in cats will last, if at all, for more than a few days: cats will shake their paws until the band flies across the room at the latest on the third day, and I think that even dogs do not handle it with care and try to shake off the foreign body.

A ruff, I did not expect my cat, because he already had to cope with having to stay in the house. My cat had to be reconnected every 2 days, which cost and the stress factor her (of mine!) Shouted for another solution.

My idea, which turned out to be quite practicable: a garlic net! These small elastic narrow nets, in which mostly 3 tubers are sold, are ideal? Pods? for an animal paw.

Once the injured leg has been reconnected by the veterinarian, the net is slipped over, a wider rubber band pulled through and tied at the neck.

I tried it in two ways

  • Once through a rubber band on both sides and knot both ends in the neck. Disadvantage: The band is quite loose on the neck when the paw is bent.
  • Once the rubber band just at the top by the edge thread and knot at the neck, which is much more durable and also participates in every movement.

The animal can not strangulate itself by the rubber band, gets the garlic net as well as the rubber band but also not shaken off.

Possibly. sew the small metal fastener with a few stitches so that it does not press on the wound or the ball of the foot when it appears.

Ever since my hangover wore a garlic sock, the bandage and all its shake hold your body? did not use anything.

This tip is for guidance only

You can also cut off a baby bodysuit and use the legs, baby socks, organza sacs ... just what you have in the house.

If one considers that a dressing change costs 20 euros and more and the almost daily change can take quite weeks, one is ever inventive. Buy now DADYPET Cats Drinking Fountains, Cats Wells Organic Filter Quietly Slippery Dogs and Cats Car? DADYPET Cats Drinking Fountains, Cats Wells Organic Filter Quietly Slippery Dogs and Cats Car? 48.87? 27,17 ?

How to Treat a Wounded Cat Pad | June 2024