Remove houndstooth sparingly from raw eggs

What I like in fashion, I loathe with raw eggs: the houndstooth (here: the hailstones). Of course, it is harmless and not harmful to health and boiled eggs I do not even think about it, but with raw eggs, I always meticulously remove it except for the last little bit.

Since some girlfriends are like that and will certainly find others who do not like the Geglibber reminiscent of umbilical cord, I give my removal tip here happy.

When removing a lot of protein was always with the edge of the box and I had to use because of this fact often an egg more.

Coincidentally, I noticed that this houndstooth can be removed much more economically, if you briefly open the eggs, before removing the houndstooth:

When you hit the houndstooth automatically separates from the egg yolk and can be completely problematic with a spoon over the edge of the bowl push without him a long egg white trace pulls.

On photo 2 you can see that with this method you can easily remove the houndstooth of several eggs at once.

Voices of Resistance: Poetry Reading | May 2024