Remove stubborn limescale from shower wall

Stubborn lime stains on glass shower walls can be removed with lemon and lime cleaner.

The commercial household cleaners, have it with stubborn limescale, on shower walls very difficult. We were still successful with the following method.

Rub the shower screen with a split lemon neat and let it work for 30 minutes. Then wipe with a cloth neatly, rinse off and rub dry with a towel.

Then spray a commercially available lime cleaner (for example Viss Powerpro Naturals or Antikal) and let it work for about 1 minute.

Then scrub with the rough side of a cheap sponge (this cheap, which is in the 1 Euro shop) the limescale stains and rinse. If necessary, repeat the whole process.

The citric acid seems to crack the lime so that the lime cleaner can then release its power.

How To Easily Remove Lime Scale From Your Bathroom | June 2024