Remove the plantar warts with propolis

A painless method, especially for children! About a quarter of a year ago, my son suddenly had a plantar wart under his foot, which quickly grew larger. That's why he was barely able to walk.

Because he is very sensitive, I did not need him to arrive with methods such as freezing or cutting. I tried it with tea tree oil and with a tincture of tincture ... without success.

Then I got Propolis mother tincture in the pharmacy and every evening brushed the wart with a cotton swab soaked in the tincture. Then a plaster over it, because it colors quite a bit.

At first nothing happened, but after three weeks, the wart went black and fell off after another week. We were really happy, because it did not hurt a bit and the wart did not come back.

I was even surprised about the success, because I had also read many tips that do not help or are simply unsuitable for children (like burn out, set ect.)

Even our pediatrician was amazed and made a note of this tip.

I wish all those who try this method a lot of success!

best way to get rid of verruca PART 1 links in description | May 2024