Simply make table fire yourself

Difficulty level: easy if you have 2 healthy hands;)
Time required: 5 minutes

1 terracotta pot (planter)
300 g of sand or gravel
1 tin can (tin can)

In most cases, the table fires, which are also fueled with bioethanol are very expensive, since they are mostly designer pieces. This is not expensive.

1. Take the terracotta pot and put some sand or gravel on the floor.
2. Then you take the tin can and pushes it together at the top, so that the flame burns a bit wider and more targeted and places it in the center of the pot.
3. Fill the pot with sand or gravel around the can.
4th and now finally you fill the bioethanol in the can.

Which material is used to fill the pot is a matter of taste. Whether normal sand, fine gravel, coarse gravel as decoration or white gravel, that's up to you.

An important note at the end !!!
The table fire may get hot, so please keep distance to surrounding objects. And bioethanol burns easily and long. FIRE is not a toy!

This manual should only be implemented at your own risk and responsibility.

Please pay attention to a fireproof and stable table / surface!

Simply Lavish at Home: Indoor Fire Pit Unboxing | June 2024