Strawberry sorbet in champagne bath


Total preparation time: 30 min.

That strawberries and champagne (luxurious: champagne) are a great combination, you know at least since "Pretty Woman". Especially in the summer, when you often long for something cool, or even to parties from birthday to New Year's Eve, but also fits the following recipe for a strawberry sorbet in champagne bath great:


For about 7-10 portions take:

  • 1 pack of frozen strawberries (750 g)
  • some sugar, honey, maple syrup, other syrup or any other suitable ingredient that sweetens and stirs well
  • 1 bottle of well chilled sparkling wine (or of course champagne) (0,75 L)
  • if desired, some sweet cream / crème fraîche and / or lime juice


  1. The frozen strawberries are placed in a mixing vessel and allowed to thaw easily (not completely!).
  2. If you do not want to wait, take the microwave or the oven at approx. 40-50 ° C - but do not forget to place the strawberries in a microwave or oven-compatible container!
  3. The thawed strawberries are now mashed with a blender / blender / blender for the food processor until no more pieces are visible.
  4. Now with sugar or some other "sweet ingredient" and possibly a few splashes of lime juice and / or 1 / 2-1 cup cream / cream to taste, mix once more. Incidentally, when mixing "less is more", because the mixing also generates heat and lets the whole fast (he) defrost.
  5. Now again briefly into the freezer, if necessary, but not too long - the sorbet should not be hard. The consistency is perfect if the sorbet is easy to remove with a spoon and put in a glass, does not immediately lose its shape (in principle, as it is known from the normal ice cream from the ice cream café).
  6. In the following, quickly (!) Spread the sherbet on the champagne glasses, usually taking a large spoon / ball per glass. Then fill the glasses with the champagne. The sparkling wine should be chilled so that the sorbet does not melt away immediately.

Now serve immediately!

The whole thing is eaten with an ice cream spoon (the one with the long stems) or with a normal teaspoon, if the champagne glass is not too long.

Of course, you can prepare the sorbet one, two days before consumption, but then large ice crystals can form in the sorbet, which are rather uncomfortably hard in the mouth, and you just have to wait forever, until the whole thing is defrosted and it must not defrost too much. With "fast" it does not have so much to do anymore;)

You can save the sorbet but a few hours through the day / evening, either by packing it in a closed container in a well-insulated cooler bag (possibly with some cooling batteries) or by placing the whole directly in a jug. So my strawberry sorbet has also easily survived a two-hour train ride to a New Year's Eve party with friends :)

Enjoy the meal!

By the way: reading this tip has probably taken longer than the preparation.

B.Witching Bath Co. Champagne & Strawberries Collection | June 2024