Sushi homemade

I once had a sushi voucher and thought: Why not try it? The first time eating sushi is a bit strange. But after that first time, I longed for more. So I came to sushi and I have to say it is very different than many say and worth a try.

If you have already got the taste, you can make sushi yourself. It is a bit time consuming but very cheap and you can cook it for friends and family cheap. It can also be fun to try new variations.

You get the sushi rice in the Asian shop. Mostly, the sellers know which rice is best. It can also be Chinese sticky rice. Because sushi rice has to stick well.

If you are already in Asialaden, you can also take Nori leaves (dried algae leaves) and rice vinegar (for the seasoning). Instead of rice vinegar, you can also take a ready mix from the asiial shop to spice up the rice later, this is easier (ask the best). Then take a makisu with you, a bamboo mat for sushi rolls (costs about 3 euros).

Recipe for the rice

For 2 people take a cup of rice. Wash this well. Best in a large bowl until the water is no longer cloudy (then it sticks better). Drain and leave to stand wet for 30 minutes.

Put 1 1/4 cups of water in a large saucepan with a lid for each cup of rice. Then bring the rice to a boil over medium heat. Cook for another 3 minutes at the highest level. Never lift the lid. Then boil for 15-20 minutes at the lowest level (push on another plate if no gas is present) until the rice has completely absorbed the water. Remove the lid and place a towel on the pot. Allow the rice to cool for about 20 minutes.

Then take one or more large casserole dishes or another large vessel (should not be made of metal) and distribute the rice with a wooden spoon from the pot in the casserole dish.

Mix the spice mixture for the rice:
Per cup of rice take 6 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of salt, 4 tsp of sugar. I'll do another shot of sherry. That tastes better. This spice mixture is spread over the rice, but not too much (the rice should not swim in it) it is best to spread it with your hands. Then you can let the rice cool or cool with a fan, it then starts to shine. You should not put it in the fridge.

You can also set up a small bowl of water-vinegar mixture. This frees your fingers from the sticky rice.

Content of sushi roll

Content of a sushi roll may be cucumber, avocado, smoked salmon, surimi (crushed fish meat in strips), tuna, shitake mushrooms, shrimp or radish. But there are many other things that can get in there. So you can tell, that it's vegetarian too. Omlet goes by the way too! Cut all ingredients into strips and put aside. To paint you need Philadelphia or brunch.

Now it has to be rolled!

There are two types of sushi rolls once outwards and once rolled in, but more later.

To roll you need the Makisu. This one puts so that you can roll forward / backward. Then there is a Noriblatt on it (smooth / glossy side down). The rice is then about 0.5 to 1.5 cm on the Noriblatt. Press firmly, but not too tight. The rice is served with brunch and then put in the middle of the ingredients I take z.b. like cucumber, surimi and salmon. Then you roll the whole thing together carefully. Squeeze something so that the content has no more gaps, and then let stand a piece of the Noriblattes, cut off the rest with a pair of scissors. Moisten the protruding piece with water and press down. Then off in the fridge and finish the next roll ... Then you cut the roll into 6 pieces of equal size. A big sharp knife is very helpful! If it is too glued, wipe it with some vinegar just clean again.

Roll the other way

You can also roll sushi the other way round, it also tastes better. You basically roll exactly as described. Except that, after spreading the rice on the nori leaf, cover it with a cling film and turn it over (rice is on the makisu and nori leaf above), place the ingredients on the nori leaf (spread with brunch) and roll just like the role before. You can sprinkle the rice with sesame, that looks more beautiful.

Ready is the sushi.

Sushi is served with soy sauce, wasabi and gari.

Wasabi is green horseradish, very spicy. Gabi are pickled ginger slices and are eaten between the different types of sushi to neutralize the taste. But you can also leave it out.

A must is the soy sauce. You dunk every sushi piece in the sauce ... yummy.

11 Easy Homemade Sushi Recipes For Date Night • Tasty | June 2024