Tomato soup for rotten


Preparation time: 5 min.
Cooking or baking time: 10 min.
Total preparation time: 15 min.

You need:

- 1 can of peeled tomatoes
- 3 packs of passed tomatoes (maybe even half of tomato juice)
- 1 bunch of basil (also frozen)
- 1 clove of garlic
- dried oregano
- 1 pack of creme fraiche with herbs
- Salt
- Pepper
- Sugar

Remove the peeled tomatoes from the tin and cut into chunks. Put the ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a slow boil. Season with salt, pepper and sugar.

Takes a total of not even 15 minutes, so it is made at least as fast as a ready-made soup from the bag and tastes much better: D

For calorie-conscious:
- Instead of crème fraiche or creme fraiche with herbs (already has significantly less calories and fat than regular crème fraîche), stir in a sip of milk.

Chef Ramsay Spits Out Rotten Food; Shuts Down The Restaurant - Kitchen Nightmares | June 2024