Waffle iron in the test and comparison

The best waffles taste evenly browned, well baked and still warm. It is therefore very much dependent on the waffle iron itself how well they succeed. In this product test you will find the following four waffle irons in comparison: Krups FDD95D Waffle Maker Professional, Domo DO 9047W Waffle Maker, WMF LONO Waffle Maker and the Severin WA 2103 Waffle Maker. The first two waffle irons are suitable for thick Brussels waffles, the next two for the popular heart waffles.

Why did we choose these 4 candidates? We orientated ourselves on the results of current waffle iron tests on the internet. Most models were selected by us based on the good test results and taken in the comparison. We wanted to thoroughly test and review it ourselves in order to make real recommendations.

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test winner
model Krup's FDD95D

Krup's FDD95D

Domo Do 9047W

Domo Do 9047W



Severin WA 2103

Severin WA 2103

waffle form rectangle rectangle heart shape heart shape
size about 21x42x22 cm about 20x28x10 cm about 22x26x8 cm about 20x26x11 cm
power 1,200 W 1,400 W 900W 1. 200 W
housing material stainless steel Plastic in
? Stainless steel finish?
Cromargan Stainless steel panel
mass 6 kg 2 kg 2.1 kg 1.6 kg
Non-stick coating Yes Yes Yes Yes
space-saving - Yes Yes Yes
timer function (POC) - Yes Yes Yes
Price on Amazon 109,00 ? 35,70 ? 62,99 ? 21,52 ?
advantages · Chic design, quality workmanship
· Thermally insulated handle
· Baking chamber rotatable through 180 ° for even dough distribution
· Easy to clean (also dishwasher safe)
· good price
· Special lid for growing dough
· The handle and housing do not get hot during the baking process
· Beautiful design, high quality workmanship, scratch resistant
· Slightly shaky lid on the joint is intended for growing dough
· Fat-free baking
· Integrated fan in the housing, heat-insulated housing
· Reliable LEDs
· Easy cleaning
· Inexpensive
· Two-color indicator lights are also recognizable on a sunny day
· Very easy cleaning
disadvantage · Too expensive
· Heavy and relatively tall
· Strong penetrating smell when unpacking
· The highest level is unreliable
· No timer with beep
· Indicators are hardly distinguishable from each other in brightness
· Defective processing
· Chemical smell when baking
· Indicators are hardly distinguishable from each other in brightness
· Unreliable lights and click sound
· Inferior temperature control turret
· Not easy to clean despite non-stick coating (especially between the grooves)
· Relatively high price
· Indicators are hardly distinguishable from each other in brightness
· Inadequate quality
· Penetrating smell when unpacking and during the first baking
· Not reliable traffic light function
· Thermally insulated housing, plastic parts and handle become excessively warm
waffle quality great evenly tanned Belgian and Norwegian waffles · Brussels waffles: rubbery, raw on the edge, unevenly baked
· Norwegian waffles:
through and the same brown, but: not fluffy and crispy on the edge
perfectly tanned and tasty norwegian waffles Norwegian waffles: unevenly browned, relatively soft and thin, crispy on the edge and tough in the middle
Available at Amazon

Krup's FDD95D

Domo Do 9047W


Severin WA 2103

Content of the test report:

  1. General information about Waffle irons
  2. Four waffle irons in comparison test
  3. The test recipes
  4. Krups FDD95D Waffle Maker Professional
  5. Domo DO 9047W Waffle Maker
  6. WMF LONO Waffle Iron
  7. Severin WA 2103 Waffle Maker
  8. Our test result

General information about Waffle irons

Choose the right one for you from the variety:

You love waffles, but you do not know which device is the best, and what to look for when buying and using it? On the one hand Belgian waffles are delicious, on the other heart-shaped waffles are also a real eye-catcher? the eye eats as you know! The waffle iron models are qualitatively very different. Some are expensive, very high quality, easy to use and ensure super crispy and uniformly browned waffles, others are also high priced, processing good, but still produce bad waffles. Very cheap devices are not bad per se, just as expensive devices are automatically good.For this reason, we have taken a few models for you to make your decision easier.

Before the purchase:

Before you buy you should think carefully, which is especially important for you on a waffle iron. You are in no hurry. In addition, you should definitely consider the ratings of other buyers. Again, be careful: there are often fake reviews organized by the online shops themselves? become. This topic has already been informed in this tip. So you can decide if the comments are convincing and authentic, and if the product matches your imagination. Important when choosing: Make sure that a waffle iron has a non-stick coating if possible, the baking surfaces are easy to clean or are removable and can be cleaned in the dishwasher. This will save you the big blow job. The temperature should also be adjustable. So you can better determine the tan. A beep that gives information about the preparation status can help to control the baking time. The size of the waffle iron should be selected according to how much space is available in the kitchen. Not everyone has a big kitchen. Thermally insulated housings or a handle protect against burns, and are especially advisable when children join in baking waffles! Whether the baking chamber is rotatable or the lid is specially designed for growing dough, you can decide individually according to your own ideas.

After the purchase:

If the new waffle iron has been delivered and you can call it your own, you should first check the scope of delivery and the functionality. Does the device work as desired? Is there any damage (for example from the delivery)? Is something rattling or wobbling? All this can be checked quickly. Some devices have a specific smell in the beginning. This must disappear either during the first baking process or after a few baking operations. If the smell is very strong and unbearable, that is a warning sign! The first waffles you have to throw away in any case, whether the waffle iron has a penetrating smell or not. Be sure to check if your device takes a long time to heat up, if its lights are working, and if its backlight matches the waffles. The waffles should be baked evenly and do not stick the dough. If your appliance meets all of these requirements, bakes it properly, does not get too hot on the outside, so that no one can burn, can not cope with continuous operation and then leaves no dirty worktops and easy to clean, it is the perfect waffle iron for you!

Four waffle irons in comparison test

The packaging of the four tested waffle irons.

The test recipes:

For all 4 existing test devices we used the same recipe of Norwegian waffles. The most popular pastries in Norway, as well as in Belgium, are waffles. You can easily find the recipe at TheFruitAndFlowerBasket.com: To the recipe "Norwegian waffles".

For the Krups- and Domo-Waffelautomaten we have also selected an additional recipe: Liège waffles with dry yeast. We have tried another recipe for Belgian waffles to come to a fair comparison, as both are specialized in Brussels waffles. The "Gaufres de Liège" recipe was discovered by the cook of the Liege prince-bishop in the 18th century and has become a Belgian specialty. To the recipe "Liège Waffles".

For all waffle irons we did not use oil for greasing. The butter contained in the dough is completely sufficient. We have disposed of the first baked waffles with all waffle equipment according to the operating instructions.

Krups FDD95D Waffle Maker Professional

The Krups FDD95D Waffle Maker Professional was kindly provided by Groupe SEB for free for this test.

Krups FDD95D Waffle Maker Professional


Price on Amazon: 116.95 instead of 179.99 ?; Power: 1,200 W; Waffle shape: rectangle; Weight: 6 kg; Size: about 21 x 42 x 22 cm

Test procedure and positive features:

The FDD95D Waffle Maker Professional by Krups has a stunning, classy design. The device looks visually a great and stable impression and is very high quality processed. He also makes it easy to use. For those who struggle with technology, there is even a special image guide for the correct installation. In addition to the recipes in the manual, there is also a CD with other recipes. The connection cable of the waffle iron is a bit short. But for us it was not a problem, because the device was right next to the 2 sockets. But if you have no power outlets nearby, you can quickly fix the problem with an extension cable.

The waffle maker heats up quickly: at level 4 it takes about 6 minutes, at the maximum level only about 5 minutes. The stainless steel case itself naturally gets hotter with time, but the handle and thermostat remain nice and cool. The turning of the machine by 180 ° after about 10 seconds worked flawlessly and very easily. The turning mechanism has given us very uniformly shaped and browned waffles.In addition, no dough is dripped down onto the dough collecting plate during the turning process, but only a few drops of water produced by the steam. The drip tray is magnetic, adheres firmly under the waffle iron and keeps the countertops clean after all baking operations. All the oil that came out of the dough was collected at the edge of the lower waffle plate. The oil from above has also flowed neatly on the lower plate and remained there. In the upper half but after turning over and opening the waffle machine a few dough remains stuck (with caramelized pearl sugar in Belgian waffles), which we could very easily thanks to the non-stick coating wipe with a damp cloth. As long as they have not dried, it's easiest. The case did not have to be plastered, as it looked clean at the end.

After the waffle iron had cooled down and the plates for the waffles were roughly wiped off of us, we removed them and placed them in the dishwasher together with the catch plate. After washing, all plates were clean again. So, also the cleaning by hand or in the dishwasher worked wonderfully with us!

To the Belgian waffles:

We made the dough with milk (instead of water) and dry yeast (instead of fresh yeast). The dough with fresh yeast tastes too much like yeast. Milk makes waffles soft, tender and darker, water in turn makes them crisp and bright. For the Belgian waffles, we have made thick dough, and spoon-spread on the lower waffle plate. We set the waffle iron to level 4, turned back after 4 minutes and had thick, super juicy, evenly golden brown Brussels waffles as a result. The waffles were easy to remove with a fork. When baking these special waffles with Belgian pearl sugar, caramelize the coarse sugar pieces. That's why such waffles do not need extra icing sugar as they are already sweet and yummy! The results were absolutely consistent from the first to the last waffle.

Belgian waffle dough in Krups waffle vending machine.Finished Belgian waffles from the Krups waffle vending machine.

To the Norwegian waffles:

We also baked the Norwegian waffles at level 4. The dough was more liquid this time than the Brussels waffles. These waffles were with this waffle machine after 4 minutes properly through and evenly browned. Outside, the waffles were a bit crunchier, while they remained nicely juicy inside. The waffles were so tasty sweet that you did not need any extra powdered sugar!

Norwegian waffle dough in Krups waffle vending machine.Finished Norwegian waffles from the Krups waffle vending machine.


Unfortunately, the Krups waffle machine also received a few negative points. The point deduction is due to the high price. The device is also very heavy with 6 kg and not very practical. The waffle iron is larger in size and wider in comparison to the other candidates and therefore requires more space. Despite the vertical storage position, the waffle iron is still relatively large. But you have super delicious waffles! If you have plenty of storage space and do not mind the price, you can simply ignore these disadvantages.

Unpleasant was also the strong smell, which was particularly noticeable at the first unpacking. The smell has also stuck to the waffle iron itself. After two cleanings, he is still slightly lagged, but bearable for us. The waffles themselves did not smell like it. We all ate and there was nothing to complain about! In the other baking processes, the waffle iron then almost no longer smelled.

We have noticed an important vulnerability in the device: You have to pay attention when baking at the maximum heat level! Although it is even recommended in the instructions to set the thermostat at level 6 for all recipes, the waffles often turn black!

What is missing in this waffle iron is a timer with a beep, which signals the end of the baking time. So you would not have to constantly look at the clock. The beep would control the end of the baking process itself and indicate when the waffles are done.

Another small drawback is that you only see the white light in the sun and you can only distinguish red from green in the shade.

Domo DO 9047W Waffle Maker

The Domo Do 9047W waffle maker was kindly provided by the electric label Domo for free for this test!

Domo DO 9047W Waffle Maker


Price on Amazon: 41.71 ?; Power: 1,400 W; Waffle shape: rectangle; Weight: 2 kg; Size: about 20 x 28 x 10 cm

Test procedure and positive features:

The Domo Waffle Maker? DO 9047W Waffle Maker? is cheaper than some other competitor, very compact and therefore does not need much space in your kitchen. It's also very easy. The waffle iron has an easy handling, good tips and three different recipes. It is ready for use after only 2 minutes. The heating up worked super fast. The degree of browning you can easily with the slider between? Low? and? Max? choose. Many think that the cover of the Domo device is its big disadvantage, because it is very shaky. The lid is indeed shaky, but this lid has been specially designed to allow the dough to rise slightly and "place" itself. Has.

The waffle machine has a backampel, which, when the waffles are ready, indicates this on the one hand and signals with a "click" sound. The outside of the device has warmed up over time, but not so hot that we could burn our hands. The grip did not get very warm. The power cable was also very short here. But again, to be fair, we do not want to classify that as a disadvantage. The worktop remained clean after baking. There were no drops. We liked that a lot!

To the Belgian waffles:

With the first thick dough (? Belgian waffles?) It did not work so well to our regret. We could not close the lid, the dough pieces with the pearl sugar were stuck in the grooves, the dough we had to spread with a wooden spatula, otherwise the waffle dough has not evenly distributed on the entire baking surface when closing. In the position? Middle? has the light switched to green very quickly. The waffles were not finished yet. We had to check again and again, if they are already properly through. Even a while later, they were unevenly brown as well as thick, rubbery, totally flabby and raw on the edge. In the further attempts, they were getting worse.

Belgian waffle dough in Domo waffle vending machine.Finished Belgian waffles from the Domo waffle vending machine.

To the Norwegian waffles:

It worked much better with the second liquid dough. But you could not rely on the green light on the middle stage again. We had to keep checking the waffles until they were finally done. The waffles have gotten a lot better: When they felt we were finished, we also checked their skill level. This time, they were completely brown and brown on both sides. Compared to the other Norwegian waffles we made with the Krups and WMF waffle irons, unfortunately they were not so fluffy, but rather flat and less crispy on the thin rim. The waffles according to this recipe are easy to remove from the device because they were not so raw anymore. There were also almost no sticky dough pieces. With this liquid dough, the waffle iron was left in a really clean condition at the end.

Norwegian waffle dough in Domo waffle vending machine.Finished Norwegian waffles from the Domo waffle vending machine.


Unfortunately, there are many deductions in this Domo model. The plastic case works despite its? Stainless steel look? something inferior. The surface is not very high quality. Honestly, the feel and workmanship are up. The red and green indicator lights are very hard to see in bright light. Since we had a bright and sunny day on the test day, we had to orientate ourselves rather by the click signal. The waffle iron had a chemical smell on first use, which also remained later.

It always switched off too early, so the result was always half-finished waffles. After baking with thick dough a simple wiping was not possible. We have soaked the surface with neutral detergent and even then could not remove all pasted dough pieces properly. In this case, it would be great if you could easily remove the waffle plates for cleaning. The other dough has done us less cleaning work. This time we had to remove dough pieces with leftover fat easily with a damp sponge and a little detergent. The plates should rather be cleaned immediately after switching off the waffle iron, when they are still warm. So the fat and residues dissolve faster than if they are already dry. The device for cable rewind also does not work so well because you can not attach the power plug.

At the end when switching off the device, the temperature control turret has jumped. Although we could fix the adjusting head again, but he is no longer really tight. As I said, the workmanship was not convincing!

WMF LONO Waffle Iron

The WMF LONO waffle iron was kindly provided by WMF consumer electric GmbH for this test free of charge!

WMF LONO Waffle Iron


Price on Amazon: 69.90 instead of 79.99 ?; Power: 900 W; Waffle shape: heart shape; Weight: 2.1 kg; Size: about 22 x 26 x 8 cm

Test procedure and positive features:

The WMF Waffle Maker? LONO? is relatively expensive, but much better than the other, cheaper alternatives. It is super easy in use. Some good recipes and tips are also included here in addition to the manual. The device has a great design, is stable and stable. The lid is a bit shaky at the joint. But that is by no means a weak point. Similar to the previously presented device, this is intended to allow the lid to yield as the dough expands during baking.

The waffle iron had a slightly chemical odor at the first consumption, which, however, almost completely disappeared with the further operations. The material is really high quality. WMF relies on Cromargan for this waffle iron. The two waffle plates are made of non-stick coated and scratch-resistant aluminum. The non-stick aluminum cast plates allow a relatively fat-free baking of the waffles.

The housing made of Cromargan is protected by the integrated fan from too hot temperatures and protected. The case does not get hot. Therefore, there is no risk of burns for adults and children.Sure, you can hear the fan, but it is only discreet to hear and not disturbing at all. Since the case is thermally insulated, the dough does not burn. In addition, the moisture produced during baking also escapes to the outside when the ventilation system automatically switches on in the lid.

The connection cable is relatively long. You can wrap it around the folded waffle iron, and put the plug in the designated plug-in port. Very convenient! The WMF waffle iron does not weigh much and can be stored standing and saving space.

The heating up is fast, so you do not have to wait forever. At maximum heat it will heat up within 4 minutes. The temperature can be adjusted continuously. Two small LEDs indicate whether the device is still heating (red indicator light) or already heated (white indicator light). The LEDs also signal when the waffles are done. When you enter dough you have to wait a bit until the white light changes back to the red and later back to the white, if the sensor wants to show the finished baking status. The LEDs are a great help, they are practical and reliable. All the fat from the dough has not dripped out and stayed on the edge of the waffle iron.

After cooling the device, we were able to easily clean the wafer plates. The cast iron plates can not be removed, but with the cleaning it still worked great. For cleaning, we only had a damp cloth with a splash of neutral detergent. There were no sticky dough pieces. All we had to do was wipe off the liquid grease. The worktop was clean as before, there was no dripping oil or batter from the waffle iron.

To the waffles:

According to the operating instructions, the baking surfaces should be cleaned with a damp cloth and a small amount of detergent before the first baking process. Of course we did that too. The heating of the waffle iron happens quite quickly. Already at the first use there was no penetrating smell.

For baking, we have set the middle level and waited about 2 minutes until a signal has come that the waffles are ready. The waffles were wonderful: soft (because of the milk), nicely shaped, evenly distributed, not very dark, but perfectly browned and delicious! The removal of the waffle with the fork was just as easy.

Norwegian waffle batter in WMF waffle maker.Finished Norwegian heart waffles from the WMF Waffle Iron.


We noticed only two criticisms for this top waffle iron. First, unfortunately, it costs significantly more than the average, unfortunately? but it also provides quality! Second, the white indicator light is hardly distinguishable from the red in brightness? similar to the Krups waffle iron.

Severin WA 2103 Waffle Maker:

Severin WA 2103 Waffle Maker


Price on Amazon: 22.99 instead of 34.99 ?; Power: 1,200 W; Waffle shape: heart shape; Weight: 1.6 kg; Size: about 20 x 26 x 11 cm

Test procedure and positive features:

The Severin Waffle Maker is the last and cheapest candidate in our comparison test. The device is easy to use and provides practical hints as well as 4 different recipes. The waffle iron has a tap changer, via which the temperature can be regulated. If you select the highest level, it will be hot after about 3 minutes. Even with this waffle iron, the connection cable is too short. As has already been said above, this is to be bridged in an emergency by an extension cable. The waffle maker is very light and can be stored to save space.

An advantage over other wafers are its two-color indicator lights (red and green). Even on a sunny day you can see them despite high brightness. Almost no dough sticks stuck to the non-stick coating. In addition, after all baking operations nothing went through the excessive edge. The waffle iron was only smeared inside with grease, otherwise the device remained super clean. There were only a few drops of water on the worktop that condensed from the steam and ran down the handle. The cleaning was very easy: After a short cooling, we wiped both halves with a damp cloth and a little washing-up liquid. The device was like new again!

To the waffles:

Before the first use you should heat up the Severin Waffle iron for 10 minutes at the highest level, so that the odor of the device evaporates. The smell is unfortunately not completely gone after the first heating up. Only with the further baking processes he became weaker and slowly disappeared.

We have set the device to maximum level. After only about 2 minutes, the Backampel has green? flashed. The waffles were not finished yet. You then needed some time to be baked evenly. That's why we had to occasionally lift the lid and check its condition. In the end, the waffles were still unevenly browned, relatively soft and thin, in the middle a bit tough and at the edge rather crispy. Some hearts have leaked on the edge. Below, they were browner than above. The only plus was that we used the waffles despite their "unhealthy" condition. Condition could easily take out.

Norwegian waffle dough in the Severin waffle vending machine.Ready Norwegian heart waffles from the Severin waffle vending machine.


Also, the Severin Waffle machine has some weaknesses. He is in our opinion slightly unstable and not very high quality processed - even the stainless steel bezel can not save this.The plastic is brittle, the device itself wobbly. When first unpacking the waffle machine had a very penetrating smell.

The traffic light function, as mentioned above, is not reliable. The highly heat-resistant housing of the device has really become very hot, the plastic parts also, even the handle was overly warm. Especially for cooking together with children we would not recommend this waffle iron.

Of course, despite all the criticisms, one should not forget one thing: the price. The device is compared significantly cheaper than the competition and may therefore also have one or the other vulnerability.

Our test result

Unfortunately, not all models convinced us. Two candidates were at eye level? The WMF LONO Waffle Maker and the Krups FDD95D Waffle Maker Professional. However, the WMF waffle iron won our waffle test by a narrow margin! The device offers more advantages than its Krups competitor. It is cheaper and more compact than the Krups Waffle Maker, is of very high quality and very functional. The most important thing though: It produces wonderful and delicious waffles! And that's what it's all about in the end, right?

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