Whole rye bread with kernels and grains


Preparation time: 30 min.
Cooking or baking time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Rest period: 1 hour 10 minutes
Total preparation time: 2 hours 40 min.

For the rye wholemeal bread with seeds and grains you have to pull a rye sour dough, there are enough instructions on the Internet. Takes at least 3 days in the first instance, better more.

The day before baking

Prepare source piece:

  • 50 g pumpkin seeds (or seeds / grains of your choice)
  • 25 g of warm water (or the required amount of water for the selected seeds / grains)
  • Let it swell for 24 hours
  • 1 tsp salt

(Which kernels / grains need how much water depends on their maximum percentage water absorption, eg 50% water intake: fresh bread, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, 100% water absorption: buckwheat, spelled meal, oatmeal, durum wheat semolina , Quinoa, rye meal, soy, wheat meal, 150% water absorption: flaxseed, corn semolina)

On the baking day

Cook the cooking piece:

gives about 200 - 300 g

  • 150 g of rye meal (coarse)
  • 50 g of rye grains
  • 50 g sunflower seeds
  • 450 g of water

Put everything together in a saucepan with lid and heat until just before the boiling point, then simmer until the water is completely absorbed. Then allow to cool to room temperature.

To make dough:

  • sourdough
  • 150 g rye flour type 1050
  • 150 g of whole rye flour
  • (or flours after gusto)
  • Soaker
  • Koch piece
  • 20 g fresh yeast
  • 1-2 teaspoons liquid malt
  • about 110 ml of water (since the water from the spring and the cooker count with the amount of water required, but only the shares of grain and grains, not of cores!)

Finish the bread:

  1. Put everything in a dough mixer and knead at a slow speed for about 5 - 7 minutes.
  2. If the dough is too dry, you can gently add a little more water. The water should be lukewarm (maximum 40 degrees), otherwise you will negate the reaction of the yeast.
  3. This is followed by an approximately 70-minute dough rest, in which the dough volume is to double. A warm location is optimal, a dough rest in the oven at 50 ° C, however, is not recommended!
  4. Then you can put the dough on a floured work surface and shape it for the box shape.
  5. The box shape is easily greased on all sides with vegetable or olive oil. Anyone who wants to can sprinkle in a few oatmeal.
  6. Now put the dough in the mold and let it rest covered until the dough has risen so far that it is just below the upper edge of the mold.
  7. Preheat the oven to 250 ° C hot air.
  8. When the oven is preheated, pour 1 cup of water (about 150 ml) directly onto the bottom of the oven and immediately pour in the bread pan. It hisses and steams enormously, whatever it is supposed to.
  9. Bake at 250 ° C for 15 minutes, after which the remaining moisture is allowed to escape briefly after approx. 5 minutes (open the oven door shortly and then open again).
  10. After 15 minutes, switch to 190 ° C and bake the bread for another 40 - 45 minutes.
  11. Then raise the temperature again to 200 ° C and bake for 10 minutes with the oven door open, for a crusty crust.

Why source and cook piece? The swelling piece provides "al dente" grains / kernels that bite the bread and yet are more digestible than unsweetened kernels / kernels. The cooking piece makes the rather difficult-to-digest whole-grain ingredients easier to digest and more pleasant in the bite.

The advantages of all ingredients used in terms of fiber etc., however, remain completely intact.

So, this is my classic whole-grain rye bread with seeds and grains, which I have worked with a friendly baker at a young age, about 2 decades ago. This 5th generation bakery bakes everything by hand and therefore there is no standard assortment in the sense that breads all require an individual time and thus can not be offered daily if traditionally following good old craft and taking into account the more recent nutritional physiology Findings works.

It goes without saying that I use only organic ingredients, because my experience with classic supermarket goods could not convince me.

A well-grown sourdough can, with appropriate care, be kept for a very long time, and is getting better every time. Cooked items can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days, tightly closed.

If I bake good bread, then only with the very best ingredients and the necessary craftsmanship, the pleasure should also be perfect. Good things want to have time means it is so apt.

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