Wholegrain quark rolls with sunflower seeds


Preparation time: 10 min.
Cooking or baking time: 20 min.
Total preparation time: 30 min.

At the weekend for breakfast there are often home-baked whole wheat quark rolls with sunflower seeds. These are done pretty fast and taste very good!

The wholemeal flour and sunflower seeds contain high-quality carbohydrates, making them full for longer. They also have a high protein content due to the lean quark - so they are much healthier than bright wheat buns.


For 8 to 9 small rolls

  • 1 egg
  • 250 g of low-fat quark
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 250 g spelled wholemeal flour
  • 1 pck of baking soda
  • if desired sunflower seeds (I stir these either in the dough or sprinkle the dough pieces with it)


  1. The egg is beaten in the mixing bowl and the quark is added.
  2. Salt, flour and baking powder are mixed and stirred.
  3. Then, if necessary, also stir in the sunflower seeds and knead the dough well with the dough hooks of the hand mixer or with your hands and form with moist hands about 8 to 9 equally sized rolls.
  4. If you have not stirred in the sunflower seeds, then lightly moisten the bread rolls with water, sprinkle with the seeds and place on the baking tray covered with baking paper or baking foil.

The baking time lasts about 15-20 minutes at 190 degrees top / bottom heat in the preheated oven.

Have fun baking and good hunger!

Cracked Wheat-Quark rolls on a stick | NEFF Kitchen Stories | June 2024