Amaryllis flowers - more decorative and longer lasting

Tip: Amaryllis flowers - more decorative and longer lasting!

Now is the wedding of the Amaryllis again; everywhere the beautiful flower stems are offered. But if you put them in a vase, it can happen (it has happened to me many times), that the stem simply kinks after a certain time due to the heavy flowers, although the flowers are still quite alright. Then sometimes I put a small stick in the stalk, which allowed me to extend the time a bit.

Last year, I got a good tip from a florist on how to enjoy the beautiful flowers for a longer time, because they can be hung down with the flowers or buds. It sounds a bit strange, but I tried it, and it actually works!

For this purpose, the lower end of the stem is first taped over so that it can not split. Then you take to the suspension z. As a hook or a ribbon, the one or the then attached to the stem (stick or tie). Now the flower stem, which is hollow, is completely filled with water (do not worry, it will not run out!) And then it can be hung on a wall, on the ceiling or even on the window. Maybe you have to check after a few days, if some water needs to be refilled.

The whole thing not only looks very decorative, it also has quite a long time to enjoy the magnificent flowers!

Amaryllis Update + Care Tips // Garden Answer | June 2024