Do not feed animals with raw noodles: pasta swells in the stomach

Noodles swell up - even in the stomachs of animals.

Small request: You always see mothers / grandmothers go feeding with their children / grandchildren. I think it's great, but think of the poor animals, if you take raw noodles. The swelling in the stomachs with time due to the moisture in the stomach just as much as your pasta cooking in a pot! And when you consider how few noodles you take, because they are so abundant when they are done, you can imagine how it has to hurt the animals and how they suffer when you give them the raw noodles , And a: Oh I do not give so many, think of several people a day and then it is a lot. Many animals in the parks and the zoos have a stomachache in the evening and sometimes even a colic! That's why you can not buy noodles as food in any park .... I know, maybe not everybody is interested in it, but they just wanted to have it noticed once. Thank you for reading!

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