Basenfasten u.a. for hypertension

Hypertension is usually the result of years of wrong / bad nutrition. And believe me, many do not even know that they feed themselves wrong! Weight gain is often a consequence, but even lean people can suffer from high blood pressure.

For me it was that the metabolism was in the bucket because I stopped smoking. I stood before the diagnosis before choosing to change tablets or diet.

I chose the latter, but the list from the doctor did not help much. I thought I had a healthy diet, and started looking for an alternative that made sense to me, because I can not go through anything I do not understand. So I came across Basenfasten:

That means you do not eat nothing, but everything that is basic, so not acidic. These are fruits, vegetables, nuts and tons of water without carbonic acid (very important !!!). You can google more detailed information for sure.

I did that for a month. You can also opt for 2 weeks and will notice significant differences. As a motivator, I have allowed myself an exception, because it is really hard to be in company and not even a sparkling wine to be allowed to drink! Anyway, I was not only 7 pounds lighter without starving, but was quite satisfied with my blood pressure. It all went away, over time, because I had learned that I had to give my body breaks to detoxify. This means flushing out "poisons", because it is not for nothing that the body reacts with hypertension!

Thanks to Basenfasten, I was not only slow in hypertension, but also slimmer, fitter and, above all, I learned what is really healthy. That, and knowing what one can tolerate individually helps to stay hypertension free. So my experience!

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