Bread stick with garlic butter and grated cheese

This breadstick is a small delicious meal, you only need a few slices of radish, salted and a few tomato slices.

Fast, inexpensive, and absolutely delicious!

You need:

  • 1 stick of white bread, can also be one day old (so a Sunday lunch)
  • 150 g butter
  • 3 garlic cloves, crushed
  • Grated cheese, pecorino or parmesan, about 150 g
  • Salt, sweet paprika and pepper
  • 4 tomatoes,
  • 1 radish

That is how it goes:

  1. Cut the breadstick every 2 cm at an angle, but do not cut it. The soil should stick together.
  2. The butter is creamed in a hot rinsed bowl, mixed with a little salt and the crushed garlic cloves. Grease the butter generously between the slices, then top with the whole bread.
  3. Place the bread on a baking tray on baking paper. Generously sprinkle grated cheese on it, season with paprika, salt and pepper.
  4. Now the bread is baked in the oven at 180 ° C for about 10 minutes or until it is brown. The radish is cut open, sprinkled with salt, as are the tomatoes.

Prepared on large plates, per person a generous piece of bread, garnished with radish and tomato.

I know that's a lot of butter and a lot of cheese - but you do not eat meat. Maybe a chocolate bar afterwards!

How to Make Garlic Butter Breadsticks - Soft Fluffy Breadsticks Recipe | June 2024