Evenly round and thick cookies bake without dough rolling out

Am currently baking cookies. And since I do not like the rolling out of the dough and the dough that was changed by adding flour when rolling it out, I found a trick on how to make ROUND evenly thick cookies WITHOUT ROLLING AND STILLING.

The way is a little unconventional, but not less awesome, in my opinion.

Dough preparation according to specification (shortcrust pastry).

So that I get evenly round cookies, I have as a "prototype" of an old film roll (diameter about 3 cm) cut off the bottom (if necessary deburring). Then thoroughly wash the film roll.

Press the dough through this open roll so that a "sausage" comes out at the end. After approx. 15-20 cm always cut off and wrap in cling film.

As long as continue until the dough is used up and then everything in the freezer and freeze properly - shortcrust do not take that bad.

After everything is frozen in the frozen state with the bread machine slice as needed / desired. Works great, works damn fast and the discs are all the same thickness. You just have to clean up the bread machine afterwards.

I put the cut slices in a bowl and place them either on the balcony when it's cold enough or back in the freezer, so I can put them on the baking tray later and if necessary they will not deform. Either you thaw the slices on the plate before you put them in the oven or you extend the baking time slightly.

Since the roll of film is relatively short and you can hold them bad in the hand, I was looking for an alternative and got me so effervescent tablets in the tube the tube. By chance, I found one that has a diameter of 3.5cm - most of them are smaller than 3cm - and cut the bottom there as well. But since these tubes are made of harder plastic, you should look at the cutting that the tube does not jump in 1000 parts. There are certainly other items that can be misused, but that was what I found quickly.

How to Roll Cookie Dough | June 2024