Jiaogulan Mint Ginger Tea


Preparation time: 10 min.
Total preparation time: 10 min.

Some time ago I have already reported about the Chinese medicinal herb Jiaogulan. Those who do not know it yet can google it and will be amazed at the diverse health effects of the herb.

I can confirm that because I've been building it on the balcony for years and in the winter in pots and bowls on the windowsill. Since drinking my tea daily from a blend of jiaogulan, mint and ginger, my overall blood levels have improved tremendously. I feel fit and can sleep well now. This year I had a very good harvest on the balcony as you can see in the photo. My mint grows too and I get ginger everywhere.

Jiaogulan is easy to grow and grows pretty fast. If you are interested please inform yourself on the medicinal herbs pages.



  • a handful of fresh Jiaogulan leaves
  • some leaves of fresh mint
  • some slices of ginger
  • Sugar or honey


  1. I put the herbs and ginger slices in a jug and pour a liter of boiling water over them.
  2. The whole thing I pull for about ten minutes and pour it off with a sieve. The tea tastes delicious hot and cold.
  3. Instead of mint, you can mix any type of tea herb with the Jiaogulan. The fresh leaves are also suitable for any kind of salad for adding.
  4. Those who like it can sweeten their tea with honey or sugar or enjoy it pure.

4 Teas that Enhance Fasting: Scientifically Approved I.F. Beverages | May 2024