Make kefir yourself


Total preparation time: 10 min.

Kefir is a healthy and refreshing sour milk drink that can be made into a salad dressing with a few herbs. In addition, kefir helps with constipation.

Now, not everybody likes the procedure with the kefir fungus that you have to nurture and nurture. I got it because I did not have kefir mushroom any more but wanted kefir, which I bought in the supermarket. Are there in 500 ml cups in the supermarket in the refrigerator. Since then, I always do it that way.

Take as much as you want to drink 2 days later. So, if you want to drink 200 ml = about 1 cup, pour it into a container twice the size (that can be made of plastic or glass) and add the same amount of cool fresh milk (this does not work with milk, because the is "dead").

Stir, cover it (important because of the flies ...) and leave in the kitchen. If possible, not in the sun, otherwise the kefir goes off "like a suppository" and explodes and is quickly too sour.

After about 2 days, the kefir is ready for consumption. You have to try again and again if you like how far he is. Some people like it more sour, some do not. The rest comes in the fridge, so he does not continue.

Well chilled, it can be used as buttermilk (also tastes similar).

For example, Fruits, muesli (it is really called cereal, cereals are small mice ....), as a salad dressing, as a refinement of smoothies, as buttermilk, as an addition to the dough, etc. Let your creativity run wild.

You can also dilute it with mineral water and a little salt, then it tastes like the Turkish ayran (refreshing yoghurt drink).

How To Make Milk Kefir 101 | June 2024