

Preparation time: 40 min.
Cooking or baking time: 30 min.
Total preparation time: 1 hr. 10 min.

A cheap kitchen classic, Königsberger Klöpse.

It takes four people:


  • Potatoes to appetite
  • 500 g minced meat
  • 1 onion
  • 1 egg
  • 1 stale bread, but it is also breadcrumbs
  • 4 tablespoons cream, 1 egg yolk
  • Salt, pepper, lemon
  • Happy capers
  • 40 g flour / 40 g butter for the roux
  • 1 L of cooking liquid


From the hack, the onions, an egg and the expressed roll (pepper and salt) you prepare a minced meat dough and form the dumplings out of it.

Boil 1 L of water, possibly season with broth and let the dumplings cook for about 20 minutes, it should no longer boil bubbly.

Meanwhile cooking boiled potatoes.

Drain the dumplings and collect the resulting broth / cooking liquid and sift it through.

Now make a roux: leave out the butter and stir in the flour with the whisk. Gradually add the broth and stir vigorously until the desired consistency is achieved. Now alloy the sauce: stir an egg yolk with the cream and stir into the sauce. Attention ? the sauce must not cook, otherwise it will clot.

Now season with salt, pepper, lemon and possibly capers (which actually belong strictly pure, we like the uniform but not here). Now add the finished dumplings to the sauce and serve with the potatoes.

Tasty are sour cucumbers.

Meatballs | June 2024