Pig - luck charms at a glance

The other day I won 20 euros with a scratch card. Great thing. If you subtract the two Euro bet, you still have 18 Euro net profit. Great, I thought, that's enough for the next purchase at Netto. But first I had to pick up my profit. However, I left the trusted lottery shop not as planned with 20 euros, but with ten fresh scratch cards and paid at Netto with card. For good reason, the lottery company prints a warning on gambling addiction on the scratch card? I had it packed.

How won?

But my gambling career ended as quickly as it had begun. The ten new lots brought it together just to eight euros. I took a closer look at the rivets. Lucky symbols were displayed on all the cleared fields: pigs, four-leaf clover, a horseshoe and so on. But why are these symbols considered lucky charms? Probably many of you donated or donated a lucky charm at the turn of the year. A lucky clover in the pot, preferably still with chimney sweep, a marzipan pig with a lucky cent in the muzzle or the like. Do you know where these objects have their auspicious meaning? I did not know, so I researched and would like to share my results here with you. The annoying question about the tip contained in my post I hake right at the beginning. Attention, now comes the tip: Buy scratch cards always only from money, whose loss you can easily get over. So, and now to the lucky symbols.

The lucky pig

In some parts of the world, the pig has been a symbol of prosperity and strength for millennia. In German-speaking countries, it has been known as a symbol of fortune since the Middle Ages. At the fairs and folk festivals of that time, competitions were often held and for the loser there was a piglet as a consolation prize. Ultimately, however, this consolation prize turned out to be the main prize: A pig eats kitchen waste and is ready for slaughter at the age of six months. If you keep it alive, it usually gives you up to 20 piglets per year for two litters a year, which in turn will result after six months? and so on. In plain English: A pig can be the basis of a secure diet. And if that's not luck, then what?

The lucky cent

Although the introduction of the euro is now about 16 years ago, the small copper coin for me is still the luck penny. He symbolizes wealth and should ensure that the person who carries a lucky penny never runs out of money. Historians see in him the little brother of the consecration or baptismal font. This was soon nailed to the front door and should ward off disaster. I myself am wearing an old lucky penny from D-Mark times in the pocket of my jeans. You never know.

The Horseshoe

The fogging of horses with horseshoes was invented by the Romans. Since the horse has always been considered a noble and valuable animal, the horse hoof protecting horseshoes quickly became a symbol of good luck. An old Turkish proverb puts it in a nutshell: "A nail can save a horseshoe, a horseshoe a horse, a horse a rider and a rider a country." In particular, a found (not searched!) Horseshoe is considered lucky. Traditionally, it is hung at the entrance of the house or yard and is intended to prevent illness and misfortune from the residents. The open side should point upwards so that luck does not fall out? can. If the open page points to the right, it symbolizes the C from the name? Christ ?. Sailors of earlier epochs nailing it to the mast and many taxi drivers attach importance to a horseshoe-shaped U in the license plate today.

The lucky clover

The four-leaf clover is one of the oldest lucky symbols ever. In our native clover (Trifolium), only one extremely rare mutation produces specimens with four leaves. Therefore, it takes a good deal of luck to find one. Already during the ritual meetings of the Celtic Druids more than 2,000 years ago, the four-leaf clover was considered a symbol of protection. It symbolizes the four cardinal points as well as the four elements fire, water, air and earth. According to legend, when she was expelled from paradise, she took a four-leaf clover with her symbolically symbolizing a piece of paradise. The clover, which is often given away on New Year's Eve, is the Oxalis deppei variety, originating from Mexico and basically four-leaved. I remember that both of my parents had a four-leaf clover inside the protective cover of their driver's license, as it was intended to protect it when traveling. Both have been driving without accidents for life?

So much for today. Of course, in our rational time, a person who believes in symbols of happiness is often derided as superstitious. But we all know that faith can move mountains, right? Buy now Wedo 2053409 Keychain clover (metal) silver Wedo 2053409 Keychain clover (metal) silver 6.95? 5,31 ?

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