Remove blood stains from the mattress

Every woman knows that there is a problem with menstruation, sometimes the mattress gets a bit of blood. Since you can not put a mattress in the washing machine, I have a great tip for you.

You need:

  • Kitchen sponge or a brush
  • soda

Hydrogen peroxide 3%, means for wounds (can be obtained in the pharmacy). Apply a little 3% solution to the mattress and sprinkle with a small spoonful of soda over it. Allow to act for about 10 minutes and then rub vigorously with a brush or sponge. Then vacuum with vacuum, drain the rest of soda and let it dry.

Attention this tip is also great for urine stains. But then please use more soda powder.

How to Get Blood Out of Mattress Using Vinegar & Hydrogen Peroxide (Home Remedies) | June 2024