Remove moss - What to do against moss?

? Sparrow Wrinkled Brother? is the name for lawn moss, which causes great annoyance to many hobby gardeners. The reason for this is a mistake in lawn care or even when the lawn.

Reasons for the occurrence

  • too little light (shadows through, for example, trees, shrubs ...)
  • unsuitable seed mixtures (seed mixture Berlin Tiergarten)
  • too rare or too deep grass cuts
  • Waterlogged (created by very compact and heavy soil, possibly under trees, loamy soil ...)
  • nutrient deficiency

The symptoms can be remedied with countermeasures, but unfortunately not the causes. But a combination of different measures makes it possible for the moss to be displaced relatively quickly and then permanently banished.

Measures to combine together to succeed:

Moss Killers

  1. Preparations containing ferrous sulfate active substance. (Works best in wet weather)
  2. Preparations with acetic acid. (Weather should be as dry as possible when applying)
  3. Moss killer with the active ingredient quinoclamine, a metabolic toxin that will keep the lawn moss-free for a whole season.

For all preparations, the moss dies within about 10 days.


In order to prepare the following steps well, which further combat the causes of moss growth and at the same time strengthen the grasses, the moss killers should as far as possible be spread together with lawn fertilizer. They are also already available as a combination product.


  1. Treat the lawn with a scarifier about 10 days after the first step and remove the dead moss from the sward.
  2. In order to prevent or prevent compaction of the topsoil over time / years, it is also helpful to apply a layer of building sand every year after scarifying.

Important for scarifying:

  • First cut the grass as short as possible
  • If possible, scarify on dry ground
  • Knife depth of the scarifier should be set to about 3mm
  • First scar in the longitudinal direction, then in the transverse direction

Saute the lawn

  1. Cover the freshly scarred lawn across the area with a post-sowing lawn so that the sward quickly becomes dense again.
  2. Sow the seeds by hand, then a thin layer of lawn soil over them to prevent the seeds from drying out.
  3. Only mow the lawn for the first time after about four to six weeks. Important: During this time, the floor must never dry out!


  • It should only be taken good quality seed mixtures, no matter what type of lawn you choose. (such as ornamental lawns, lawns, ...)
  • Cheap products (such as Berliner Tiergarten) may contain forage grasses that cause the sod not to become properly dense. That's because they were bred to bring in high yields, but not slow growth and dense branching. As a result, the moss is back very quickly.

Get rid of Moss in Lawn - How To | May 2024