Savings tip: Landstraße / Bundesstraße use instead of motorway

Since I like to drive a car and always try to save as much fuel as possible, I came to the conclusion that it is worthwhile in many cases, instead of using the highway sometimes the highway. In part, this also significant kilometer savings are possible.

Often you drive - already out of habit - only the shortest route to the highway. Often, however, there are other roads that are less long, but you have to take a little longer driving time in purchasing.

I have come to the conclusion that by driving on country roads compared to driving on the highway up to 2 liters of fuel savings are possible. It's easy to explain that on a freeway, it is common to drive at a higher speed. If the highway also follows a non-ideal course towards the destination, so you drive a longer distance at a higher speed. It is then faster to destination, but has consumed more gas and covered more kilometers.

You should, if you want to use a particular destination different routing methods, if you say the Navi "shortest route", the device often chooses not actually the shortest route. My tip: Plan on the computer and check the route and possibly drive some other routes, as suggested by the Navi. You can save 50 kilometers when driving 500 kilometers, if you are ready to drive a bit longer.

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