Schnitzel in delicious breadcrumbs made from oatmeal

Schnitzel is a great bread with oatmeal. Turn into egg first, then in oatmeal and fry. Tastes great, is something different and fried with little fat, something for people to lose weight.

ziskozisko: @ Pummelweib:
normal oatmeal ... I suppose (just not the core)
and logically there is nothing at all ... There are also many on the way here, who need a detailed instruction ... and then I think it's good, if everything is described consecutively, so that it can be easily understood ... (( is only a hint))
But the tip is really good ... thanks for that ... ((and there are 5 points for that)
@ Tiger mosquito:
hey ... if you already like it so much, you can also give a positive review .. *** smile *** SpookyAngie: Good idea, I still have a huge portion of oatmeal left from the Christmas bakery :-D
Will definitely be tried - and as long as you do not eat five pieces of it alone, it should be synonymous with the calories not so dramatic ... ;-)

In the normal breading we have already given Parmesan, which gives grad with chicken schnitzel a little more taste to the meat.

As a further alternative, I've heard of crumbled cereal as a breading, but have not even tried it myself, because I wanted to buy a packet of cornflakes not only because of chips (because then I eat the rest for breakfast I need a lot of sugar, and that is also rather suboptimal)

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