Tea tree oil in cystitis

If you want to give up antibiotics, you can try it once with tea tree oil. In addition to drinking a lot and eat spicy, you can give 3 to 4 drops of pure tea tree oil in the panty liner. Does well and works - assuming female gender, of course;)

Supportive helps:
- Consume as little sugar as possible
- Drink 2-3 liters a day (no coke etc., see above)
- Dilute freshly squeezed lemon juice with water, about 1-2 glasses a day
- eat natural yoghurt
- Cranberry juice or capsules from the aft counter
- hot water bottle / hot baths

It always helps me, and I have not had to use antibiotics for a long time :)

Mayo Clinic Minute: Treating Urinary Tract Infections | April 2024