Remove moss, lichens and algae from the roof and facade

Many homeowners today have stomach aches with greens on the roof and facade. Moose, lichens and algae are increasingly spreading.

That does not look nice and over time also damages the building fabric. The longer this condition is tolerated, the more difficult the removal of the evil becomes.

Now unfortunately a roof is usually bad to commit and a 10 m high facade gable is also for most home improvement a problem.

First, a well-intentioned advice, fingers away from the pressure washer, at least in the roof. The surfaces are roughened and everything gets worse after a short time.

Even a roof coating is not always the right solution, especially as this is also very expensive.

Everything is much easier, you spray the affected areas with a special cleaning agent, I recommend AGO Quart, all fouling dies and weathered.

After a while everything is gone and the surfaces are clean. Where you can not get there, you can work with a special lance (11 m long, see photo).

I have been dealing with this problem for more than twenty years, in my opinion a top solution, and also very reasonably priced.

More information and reference sources can be found on my homepage, see my profile.

Removing Lichen and Paint from wall | April 2024