Wash clothes on left, iron and put away

I always give my clothes turned left into the laundry, iron them on the left and then hang them on the left in the closet. In this way, the fabric is spared in any case and I always see at a glance, which garments were not worn after washing.

mops: That's how I learned it from my grandmother. Positive side effect: the laundry does not fade so quickly when it is dried outdoors. But I save the ironing myself. I clear the laundry from the machine as soon as the program is finished. From the dryer, the laundry is already smooth anyway (assuming you put the laundry out immediately and un sets them together), the delicates I hang up so that it is smooth. OK, hanging takes a bit longer, but I find ironing awful. Except window cleaning, the most distasteful housework.

Put Aspirin Into the Washing Machine, and See What Happens | May 2024