Earwax plug - sodium solution also helps

My husband had such a lousy ear plug. In the pharmacy they wanted to sell him an expensive drug. I looked in the net for the ingredients, one of the contents was sodium solution. I suffer from heartburn now and then and therefore have Bullrich salt tablets in the house. I prepared about 500 ml of lukewarm water, gave 4 tablets into it dissolved them.

Because I took a commercial syringe (without cannula). Man lay on his side so I had the stuffy ear up. Pulled the syringe and dripped something in the ear, let it act for about 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, I flushed my ear out (over the sink, the stuffy ear down, so the crap can run out) until the plug came off. My husband was able to hear well from then on.

That really helps and is not as expensive as all the stuff from the pharmacy. Good luck trying out!

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