Keep bread properly

Long enjoyment: That's how your bread stays!

These tips are from a master baker and I am happy to pass them on to you, as they may not all or even not all be known.

1. If fresh bread is consumed at short notice, then you can just put it in one closed paper bag or in a linen or cotton bread bag.

2. However, if the bread is to be kept longer, it is recommended to cut it down in a bread box or another dry and slightly ventilated container such as B. one bread pot stoneware or ceramics. This should then be cleaned weekly with vinegar water.

3. Bread should be stored at temperatures between 12 and 18 degrees and not in the fridge! Only at very high temperature and humidity in summer is it recommended to store in the refrigerator.

4. If you need a certain amount of bread every day, then you can do this Freeze in portions and then thaw as needed.

5. For slightly older light bread or rolls you can sprinkle the crust with a little cold water and bake it briefly in the preheated oven, then they will be back crispy fresh.

6. But even stale, dry bread or rolls can still be recycled by using a kitchen grater or an electric multi-shredder bread crumbs makes it.

How to Keep Bread Fresh Longer | Make Bread | April 2024