Cretaceous teeth in children (MIH)

From the crayfish in children I had heard nothing so far. This tooth disease, in which the back or incisors cause pain and crumple, is not so rare. About 10 percent of schoolchildren are affected in Germany. Experts refer to the phenomenon of molar incisor hypomineralization, MIH for short.

This is how the chalk tooth makes itself felt

First, the joy is great when milk teeth gradually say goodbye, the tooth fairy takes them into their care and the first permanent teeth find their way through the jaw. But lo and behold, the first permanent molar grows yellow or brownish from the jaw. When brushing or chewing, it causes pain and is very sensitive, even on hot and cold. Chilled soda is no longer a highlight, but rather unpleasant. If the tooth can no longer withstand the full load, it starts to crumble.

Reason for crumbling

The reason for a crayon tooth can be found in the enamel. Healthy enamel is a fairly hard tissue that protects itself around the dentin. In the crayon tooth, the cells that form enamel are damaged. The enamel is too soft and does not protect against wear. The pressure on the tooth is enormously high. Affected are the first permanent molars and the incisors. But with the reason the cause is not found yet. So far, one only knows that the disorder of the two affected groups of teeth due to lack of mineralization somewhere between the 8th month of pregnancy and the age of 4, possibly also interlock several factors.

Lack of dental care is not to blame

Furthermore, the worldwide research experts know what can be ruled out as the cause of the injury: many sugary foods or a lack of dental care play no role in the development of the crayfish tooth. Also already suspected factors such as the use of antibiotics, a premature birth, long breastfeeding, heredity or nutrition have already been excluded by studies.

Plasticizer as a possible cause

Possible causes are environmental influences in the discussion, for example plasticizers. Experts advise that pregnant women and nursing mothers do without plastic-wrapped drinks and grab the glass bottle. Plastic wrapped food should also be avoided. In times when the supermarket shelves are full of shrink-wrapped cheese or pre-packed sausage, drinks are advertised in Tetrapak, which is of course with the plasticizers a wide field.

Treatment of the chalk teeth

Depending on the damage to the tooth, it may be sufficient for the dentist to apply a fluoride varnish several times a year and the little patients at home regularly use a fluoride gel that is brushed. Regular teeth cleaning and oral hygiene products for sensitive teeth are also part of the program. For smaller cracks, a seal can provide protection. If these measures are not sufficient, plastic fillings or thin steel crowns are also used.

Not all molars are affected

In the case of the crayon, it is important to know that the previously unexplained phenomenon is limited by the incisors to the first permanent molars that break behind the last deciduous teeth. They are also called the 6-year molars. The next molars come at the age of about 12 years and are not affected. If a heavily attacked 6-year molar is removed, the dentist and orthodontist look after the most favorable time, so that the gap is filled with the next molar or later possibly a wisdom tooth can take over the function. Incisors are less common and not as heavily loaded. Unfortunately, one can not currently prevent, but only by regular dental visits try to recognize a crayfish as early as possible and treat.

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