Cheap plant baskets

Again and again baskets for pond plants are offered. It is also cheaper!

For pond plants that should not spread excessively and flower bulbs (crocuses, daffodils, tulips) that should not be pushed by voles to the other end of the flowerbed, these very simple plastic pasta sieves, which have been around for ages, are wonderfully suited.

Usually you get them for 99 cents and in relation to a purchased planting basket that is an enormous savings. In addition, I save all plastic flower pots of bedding plants in different sizes.

If necessary, I cut around several holes / slots and use them also as a plant container for pond plants. Complaining with a few pebbles, they stay in place.

The plant can still spread well, however, excessive growth is prevented. So you do not see the pots in the clear pond, I give many thick pebbles around the pot, so that you can only see the plant.

You can really save the purchase of special plant baskets!

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