Make air mattress, pool noodle and more for little doll

Air mattress, bathing cap, bikini, beach ball and pool noodle for a little doll - everything is easy to make.

air mattress

Cut off the "kink" from kink straws and press the end of the straw together with tweezers. With a lighter, the end is made hot and you press again with two fingers, so it is too tight. Attention it is hot!

This process is repeated until there are enough stalks. I glued them together with hot glue. At the end, cross-link with some glue again. Now there is air in the stalks and the air mattress can swim on the water in the pool.

Swimming cap, bikini & water polo

The bathing cap is made of a balloon, as well as the bikini and the beach ball. For the water ball you need two balloons. The narrow ends are cut off. A balloon part is filled with stuffing or soft and thin scraps. The second part is slipped over the hole. So the balloon is tight and can swim.

pool noodle

Of course, a pool noodle should not be missing. To make it flexible, you have to glue two straws together, where the kinks are still off. Close the stalks as with the air mattress.

How to Make a Doll Swimming Pool - Doll Crafts | April 2024