Alcohol in the evening is not good for the slim line

This is for many a very bad news - to give up the beloved glass of wine or beer in the evening - because otherwise you can never stay slim.

Why it is like that?

In the liver, alcohol is always processed first because the organism wants to get rid of it. The more in the organism, the longer the detoxification takes, also called metabolism. All other energy sources such as carbohydrates, fat and protein have to wait for the alcohol to be processed. A bottle of wine with 550 to 700 calories of alcohol takes up to 8 hours. The fat from your favorite dishes (pizza! Bratwurst!) Is therefore in the memory and stays there.

This means in plain language: who eats good and rich in fat every day and always drinking 2, 3 glasses of wine or beer, has no chance to stay slim and rank. The older you are, the harder it gets. Then you do not need so many calories. But no one wants to give up and you have to eat the plate empty ...

My advice

To stay slim, you should try to gradually give up alcoholic drinks. Non-alcoholic beer and sparkling wine taste great today. If you do not like that and do not want to give up your nightcap, you should eat very vegetable and low in the evening.

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