Annoying admirers

Ok, admittedly, at first it flatters when she adores you.

But there are sad cases. Many an admirer of a man is getting deeper and deeper into her passion.

She gives up her friend, worse, wants to integrate him into her enthusiasm for you. She often calls up to often. And every time she sees you, she grins or smiles like a honey cake horse.

At some point you come to the conclusion: This is a nice compliment, but annoying in the long run.

You do not want to pop it in front of the waffle because of tact reasons, a la: You're annoying, you look like vomiting, you're too stupid or the classic: I'm already forgiven and I love my sweetie, I do not want to hurt her.

Solution: 200 ml of milk, an onion, a blender, a meeting between you and the damsel.

Add the milk and onion to a blender 3 hours before meeting it.

Thoroughly whisk until the onion in the milk is basically no longer visible.

Hold your nose, tip the mixture down.

It works after about 3 hours. You can let some people in their presence "whiz" that hell becomes jealous.

You stand there at short notice, like an idiot, even more, but it smells itself.

But: The lady will lose her appetite or she really does not have all.

And: She will retire because an illusion burst for her, not because you had to dismiss her.

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