Free pebble borders from fallen leaves

Free pebble borders from fallen leaves and flowers, because over time unsightly.

Around several fronts of our house, we have about 20 cm wide pebble rebates, fall into the leaves and flowers over time, including dust, which gives new seedlings food for rooting and waxing. Many of these weeds can be pulled out with the root.

The far more uncomfortable problem: it slowly becomes unsightly. After a good 20 years, I thought about how you could free the pebbles from the fallen down. I dug some of these little ditches and separated them from the remains using a special sieve.

In order not to have to start all over again in a few years, I collected the stuff from the surface at shorter intervals. Leaves sometimes crumbled when I tried to grasp them with my fingers. A long tweezer was needed. I picked up one at a large animal / garden center Reptiles pliers, which helped me conditionally.

Since we have such a murder house, I wanted to deposit one at different places. As I happened to find at a discounter on an equally long pliers, with which you use steaks for turning in the frying pan - a lot cheaper.

You can see them on one of my pictures. For extreme cases I arm myself with one

  • Bucket for waste
  • our vacuum cleaner without nozzle
  • and a hair sieve.

I hold the sieve over the dirt, suck it, go over the bucket and take the vacuum cleaner tube aside, so that the stuff falls into the bucket. In the picture you can see the heavily affected discounts, which gets a lot from the neighbors, foliage in the fall, in the spring flowers of a large ornamental cherry. After taking the pictures, the idea of ​​taking a tea strainer got even better.

How to Clean Dirt, Leaves and Pine Needles Out of Decorative Gravel | April 2024