Kernseife against pimples

Every day, to make pimples disappear on your face, rub your face with soap and wash it off.

The core soap is like a scrub and also opens the clogged pores.

Kastra: There is an increasing assertion that the acid-protective coat does not exist in this function. The acid mantle on the skin is actually an excretory of the body and would not be enough for me to keep its pH away from bacteria anyway (for that it would have to sink below the 5.0 limit). Accordingly, he thus has no protection function. On the contrary, it is increasingly assumed that it is worthwhile, especially in the case of skin problems, to remove these wastes. The word acid-PROTECTION coat has the cosmetics industry hochgepuscht to be able to make money.
I had the same problem and in addition to the core soap also made compresses with base salt and felt after initial accumulation of blemishes a massive improvement (the basic treatment stimulates the skin metabolism massively, ie it is excreted more acids and waste).
Just think of the basic amniotic fluid, which does not bother the babies, on the contrary, there are even studies that babies, which in a more neutral amniotic fluid (nutritional error, and thus acidity of the mother, etc.) are discharged, more susceptible for skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis.
Incidentally, I study medicine with a specialization in dermatology and allergology.

Pickel- und Allergiebekämpfung mit diesem Stück... | April 2024