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Spiders spew out of the apartment
April 2024

Spiders spew out of the apartment

Spiders are known to be rather unpleasant contemporaries / roommates. Unfortunately, the critters are also quite useful. So here's the practical alternative to killing (and the ugly stains on the...

Spider remover homemade
April 2024

Spider remover homemade

I have incredible panic about spiders. Tonight I ran a huge house spider over my neck. After half an hour of insomnia and thinking, I finally found the optimal solution for spider removal and am...

Spider catch with light
April 2024

Spider catch with light

Spiders (big, fat, fat! * G *) do not run away from them before and during their removal (using a vacuum cleaner, scrubber, glass + cardboard, cold spray ...) when they are sitting in the light cone...

Lavender against spiders
April 2024

Lavender against spiders

Now that it gets warmer, the little annoying critters come again ... Spiders exactly ...! ... and now the question, how do you keep the beasts from a distance? In the apartment, they crawl...

Absorb spiders without them crawling out again
April 2024

Absorb spiders without them crawling out again

Many people always say the spiders crawl out of the vacuum cleaner again. I also had this problem. Then I read that spraying insect spray on a cloth and put it in the vacuum cleaner bag, against...

Spider phobia - fear of spiders, what to do?
April 2024

Spider phobia - fear of spiders, what to do?

Those affected will certainly be able to sing a sad song of it. With a so-called spider phobia is not to joke, even if it proves to be unfounded from a distance. However, as with most of all fears...